Thames Coast Road Rock Revetment– DuraForce® AS Series
Project Details
Cirtex Regional Contact
Project Information
A combination of a supermoon king tide, low-pressure weather system and strong winds made for a perfect storm. The storm hit SH25 between Thames and Coromandel on January 5th, 2018. Sea surges and heavy rain caused extensive damage to approximately 35km of the coastal highway closing this critical transport link. Higgins who had just taken on the Network Outcomes Contract (NOC) for the area, carried out the initial emergence response moving onto complete the reconstruction work.
Cirtex was chosen as the supplier for the DuraForce heavy-duty geotextile required for the seawall construction which would protect the road during future storms. The heavy-duty coastal geotextile was used under the large rock armouring to prevent erosion of the fine material behind the rock armour providing a sea wall that will withstand future events. Cirtex worked closely with the Higgins team to ensure that product was on site when required. This eliminated any delays to the work on this critical project.