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SamiGrid® is an asphalt reinforcement ideal for the rehabilitation of stabilised pavements.
SamiGrid is a composite product consisting of an asphalt reinforcement grid made from high modulus polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) fibres in combination with a non-woven fabric.
Saturation of the non-woven with bitumen means that SamiGrid also performs a sealing and stress alleviating membrane interlayer function to complement the reinforcing action of the grid. This combination of materials results in a high-performance product that is ideal for the rehabilitation of concrete and stabilised pavements by using an asphalt overlay. Through the active retardation of reflective cracking, SamiGrid significantly extends the service life of asphalt resurfaced concrete and stabilised pavements.
Unlike other raw materials, PVA exhibits a high resistance to alkaline environments. This makes it ideal for the rehabilitation of concrete and cement stabilised pavements.
Specific roll widths and lengths available on request.
SamiGrid is also suitable for the reinstatement of concrete surfaces damaged by alkali-silica reaction due to the particular benefits offered by its sealing function.
SamiGrid® is a registered trademark of Huesker Synthetic GmbH registered in Gescher.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is SamiGrid made from?
SamiGrid is a composite consisting of an asphalt reinforcement grid of high modulus polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) fibres in combination with a nonwoven fabric.
What are the most common SamiGrid applications?
The SamiGrid reinforcing composite is mainly used for the rehabilitation of concrete roads. It is also suitable for the reconstruction of ASR (alkali-silica reaction) affected pavement slabs, and due to its high resistance against installation damage, SamiGrid can also be directly applied to milled surfaces.
Is there any sort of surface preparation required?
Before placing the composite reinforcement, the surface onto which the SamiGrid will be installed must be clean, dry and free of loose debris.
What is the minimum asphalt layer thickness required on top of the SamiGrid reinforcement composite?
The SamiGrid reinforcement grid must be covered with a compacted asphalt layer of at least 40 mm thickness.
Benefits & Features
- High resistance to alkaline environments
- Reinforcing and sealing function
- Long-term dynamic load capacity
- High resistance to temperature & installation damage
SamiGrid XP50S
3m x 100m (300m2)